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What are the skills to maintain and use the reflux pump correctly

Editor: Centrino reflux pump                       time: 2021 / 01 / 13

Reflux pump is widely used in daily life. When working underwater, all units need to submerge. Backflow pump can extract groundwater to the surface, which plays an important role in domestic water, agricultural irrigation, mine rescue, industrial cooling, etc. it can also be used in fountain scene, and can also be used in water lifting projects such as rivers, reservoirs, canals, etc. So what are the use skills of reflux pump

Reflux pump

1. Grounding is required
It is a national mandatory standard that the reflux pump adopts maintenance grounding. Only using maintenance grounding can ensure the personal safety in operation. If there is no maintenance grounding, once the shell leaks, the water at the pump outlet and the water surface of the pump will be electrified, endangering personal safety and wasting a lot of electric energy.
2. Installation of leakage protector
When working in water, it is easy to cause electric leakage, electric energy loss and even electric shock. If the leakage protector is installed, as long as the leakage value of the pump exceeds the action current value of the leakage protector, the leakage protector will cut off the power supply of the electric pump.
3. Power supply voltage is normal before starting
Too high or too low voltage will make the pump temperature rise too high, shorten the service life, and even burn the pump. Due to the long rural low-voltage power supply lines, the phenomenon of low terminal voltage and high starting voltage is common. Therefore, in the process of using the pump, it is necessary for the operator to investigate the power supply voltage value at any time. If the value is less than 10% of the extra voltage, more than 10% of the extra voltage, or the current is more than 20% of the extra current of the submersible pump, the operator should stop the machine immediately and prevent the machine from starting when the power supply voltage is abnormal.
4. No overload operation
In order to prevent the pump from overload operation for a long time, do not use the low lift pump for high lift operation, do not pump water with high sand content (heavy mud), and investigate whether the current value is within the regular range at any time. If it is found that the current is too large, it should be stopped to check.

Reflux pump

If the reflux pump is not used continuously after going down the well by the manufacturer, it will rust for a long time and lead to start failure. Do not put the stopped reflux pump into water. Start up once a week and run for 5-10 minutes. When it is not used for a long time, it should be put into clean water and electrified for a few minutes to clean the mud inside and outside the pump, and then put it on the water to dry for comprehensive inspection. All parts shall be removed for maintenance, scrubbing, derusting and descaling. The vulnerable parts should be replaced and then reassembled. After antirust, the paint should be placed in a dry, non corrosive gas warehouse.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


Add: Guangdong guangzhou tianhe balance sand too road sand road

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