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Knowledge required for maintenance of spray water pump

As a manufacturer specializing in the production of spray water pumps, it can not only produce, but also repair. After all, some accessories need to be returned to the factory for repair. It is normal for workers who can process and manufacture to also repair. There are a lot of common sense things to master in maintenance.

The spray water pump received by the maintenance personnel may not only be the products of their own brands, but also those of other brands. There may be some differences between different brands. It is necessary to understand these products, especially their structures, before subsequent maintenance can be carried out.

Basically, the sealing water guide sleeve of the water pump of the spray is removed. If it is not removed, it will have a more serious impact. The pressure caused by the sealing effect will make the water supply pressure insufficient and the water cannot be discharged normally, affecting the daily work. If this part is damaged, it should be replaced directly.

When repairing the water pump of the spray, install the components of each part according to the assembly sequence of the parts, which is also the work that needs to be assembled and arranged in turn during the disassembly, so as to facilitate the later reinstallation.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


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