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Methods of reducing energy consumption of garden humidification pump

The use of garden humidification pump is mainly used in garden sprinkler irrigation. Sometimes it is used continuously throughout the day. The energy consumption will increase after such a long time of use. How to reduce the energy consumption on the basis of limitation and what methods can be used to reduce it?

The way to reduce the energy consumption of garden humidification pump is to reasonably determine the output of the pump and eliminate the resistance in the work. It is also the key that it will not affect the water supply under the influence of various factors, but this is difficult to achieve. There are many factors affecting the water supply, which will also increase its energy consumption.

Generally, the service life of a garden humidification pump is more than 4 years. With the increase of its service life, the energy consumption is also increasing. In terms of pump body materials, the pump with low cost and easy casting should be selected as much as possible, which is more convenient in later maintenance. If some energy consumption increases, this problem can be solved by replacing accessories.

Motor output is also one of the key points to reduce the energy consumption of garden humidification pump, which is related to the service life of the motor. If the motor is replaced to a certain extent, it is to reduce its energy consumption.



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