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How can a spray pump fail to produce water?

Sprayer is a common agricultural machinery when planting crops. Now it is also a small planting. If it is a large directly selected professional spray equipment, no matter what kind of structure, the internal structure is indispensable for the existence of the pump. There is a pump to suck up the water and achieve the effect of spraying.

Sprayer pump

In normal use, if the sprayer pump suddenly does not get into the water, what should we do? First of all, what are the reasons for this situation? One of the more important things is that the pressure is insufficient and the pressure is adjusted. Some pumps can not be adjusted and can only be replaced.

Whether the water sprayer is used for electricity and whether there is any possibility of water leakage, all these factors will lead to no water supply. The condition of the motor's heating can be suspended and waiting for some time to try. Is there still such a problem? By understanding the usage of the pump, we can determine the structural part of the problem and solve the problem.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

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Tel: 0539-8535670


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