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Benefits of regular cleaning of garden humidification pump

The use of garden humidification pump is to alleviate the garden irrigation. Long time work every day requires regular maintenance and cleaning. Regular cleaning has advantages for the pump itself. Because of the daily working environment, most of them are carried out outdoors. There will be a lot of dust, some even silt, so regular cleaning and maintenance is needed.

Garden humidification pump

When the garden humidification pump is shut down for cooling, the dissolved oxygen in the cooling water will cause metal corrosion, produce rust scale, and block the pipe. After a long time, the water will not come out naturally, and the use effect can not be guaranteed. This is one of the reasons for regular cleaning.

In the process of work, it is inevitable that some sludge will enter into it. If it is not cleaned, it will also enter into the garden humidification pump, causing blockage. As mentioned above, it will be a little more difficult to clean at this time. It can only be used after thorough cleaning. In order to avoid blockage next time, daily cleaning work can not be less.



Contact: RuoTian.Zhong

Phone: 18300100005

Tel: 0539-8535670


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