Language: Chinese line English


What to do if the water pump freezes when using the sprayer in winter

The outdoor temperature is relatively low in winter. If the articles with water are placed outdoors, they are easy to freeze, affecting the normal use, or even being damaged by freezing. The sprayer pump is one of them. Therefore, attention should be paid to its storage and icing prevention should be done well.

If the water pump of the sprayer freezes, hot water can be used or boiled water can be poured into the water pump for deicing, which is also a common method. It will not cause damage to the product and will also defrost quickly.

Another method is to put the water pump of the sprayer under normal temperature and wait for a period of time before it will naturally melt. If it is in urgent need, this method cannot be used and the speed is relatively slow. Thermal insulation type water pump can be used to add steam or hot water to the insulation layer to prevent icing. Empty the water in the pump when using, and add water when using, which can prevent freezing and cracking.



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